

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 12 years, 11 months ago

Week 3 Nov 20-24

TASK 4 - Problem Solution, short essay


Your task is in two parts:

  1. Prepare to write: Complete the worksheet with two topic sentences and return it in your first class.
  2. Give your essay a title, complete the paragraphs, and submit the 3-paragraph essay to your instructor by the end of your second class.



Class 1: Complete the handout with two topic sentences



Prepare to write - Complete the worksheet with two topic sentences and return it in your first class.

Your handout looks like this


This week you will write a three paragraph essay in Problem-Solution format.

The first paragraph is done for you ...


This is the start of a short essay on a common problem in English classes:


Every Sunday, cadets come to classes tired because they did not get enough sleep. This has become a problem for the instructors. There are several reasons for this. However, there could be a way to solve this problem.


Write two topic sentences that will start two more paragraphs.

  • The first paragraph is on reasons for students being so tired in class,
  • The second paragraph is about solutions to the problem.


Topic sentence 1




Topic sentence 2




Class 2: Write the 3-paragraph essay



 Write the essay - Give your essay a title, complete the paragraphs, and submit the 3-paragraph essay to your instructor by the end of your second class.


By now, after three weeks in the course and a week-long holiday, each student is expected to have a Google Account and to be in the HCT Network System.


In case you have not got around to creating a Google account, of if you've forgot your password ... 

You can complete this in GoogleDocs or Word.

Copy the first paragraph to a Google Doc or Word Document.  


Download a class handout for this lesson formatted in Word


How your Problem / Solution essay due Nov 24 has been marked


In class you were asked to begin a short essay on a problem at your college and its solution. The essay should have 3 paragraphs.  You copied the first paragraph into a Google Doc.  You were expected to write the TOPIC SENTENCES for the second and third paragraphs on a worksheet and hand this back to the teacher.  That worksheet was marked separately (in Week 2).


In your Google Doc you are to write the three paragraphs.  Each paragraph should begin with a good topic sentence.  You were to follow the instructions on the worksheet to complete the essay in class Nov 23-24.


This feedback is placed in your Google Doc.  When you complete an item it is colored in red

Points - What you have to do for these points

10 - Share the document with your teacher

10 - Rename the document with your Name and Date

10 - Paste the first paragraph into this document

10 - Write a second paragraph about the problem

10 - Write a third paragraph about the solution

10 -Each paragraph has a good topic sentence

10 - Your work is revised according to feedback

10 - Use Capital Letters correctly  

5 - Indent paragraphs

5 - Spelling

5 - grammar

5 - Full stops after sentences.

     No space before full stops, or commas.

     Spaces follow full stops and commas, like this.


___________ :-)

Your score out of 100 points


You were told you could also complete this work as a Word document and send it to



If you did not share the work in Google Docs OR send your teacher a Word document,

then of course you can receive no score :-(


Download this marking sheet in Word


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