

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 13 years, 3 months ago

Getting set up for Academic Composition



In this class we will write mainly in Google Docs.  

Occasionally you will need to send and receive emails via your HCT email account.

Later we will start writing in blogs which you can great using your Google account.


Google accounts for access to Google Docs and Blogger


1. You got a Gmail account. Why? Because now you can use


HCT accounts for access to HCT mail 


2. You got on the HCT system

  • You have an Other User icon where you can log on to the HCT system
  • You have a working password
  • Your name appears at the top when you click on the Windows START button 
    see: http://screencast.com/t/qwV3U0LqYCg5 


Now you can send HCT emails and get on the shared network drive


HCT shared network drive


To get Access to the Share Drive, log on to the system with your HCT ID


The Share drive can be accessed by Opening My Computer and clicking on the Network drive Icon (as below) 




On the Share Drive the Students can have Access to  2 Folders only.

Namely Student_Collection  and Student_Submission.



Student_Collection :   

Teachers can put up files they want to distribute to students in this folder  and the Students can only copy files from this folder to their computers. Students have no right to create or delete any files in this folder


Student_Submission : 

Students can upload their files from their computers to this folder and the teacher can accept their work from here. Students can create their own files but cannot copy , edit or delete other students' files in this folder.





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