

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Good Morning :-)

This is is the wiki portal for Vance's Academic Composition classes in 2011

Are you looking for the 2012 presentation coursehttp://acommunication.pbworks.com


For those doing the second-chance "resit" project, here are the documents for it:



Submitting your work


Send Word documents to


Share Google Docs with




Navigate this site

Finding your way around this website

Quick link to http://docs.google.com  


The Front Page

On the Front Page you'll find your current projects and assignments


The Sidebar

At right you'll see a SIDEBAR --> 

  • You can see how you compare with others in your class

  • Old assignments will be moved there 


During the first week in this class you were expected to set up

  • your Google account
  • and HCT email

Then you wrote a "good" paragraph


In the second week you were supposed to introduce yourself and write a simple statement about how students could best learn in Academic Composition class, despite being so sleepy. You were also supposed to complete a handout on topic sentences.


Each of these assignments has a mark.  You will find your marks in the sidebar (click on your class)


Your Final Project


Files that explain your Final Project

Final Project overview


5 classes: Jan 17 to  Feb 6 

The final project recalls all you have learned in this course this semester
It should be minimum 300 words and counts 50% of your Final Mark

Phase 1: Support your thesis in a Google Doc

These materials have been moved elsewhere in this wiki.  Click here to read about Phase 1


You should by now have written your report in your Google Doc.  

You should have 5 paragraphs, minimum 300 words.

 You should SHARE your Google Doc with vancestev@gmail.com 



For day three of the project, you expand your work in Google Docs to 5 paragraphs, and also make your other three paragraphs longer.  To do that, use information from the websites you have found (at least one website for each reason).  


If you use words directly from the website, put quote marks around them and indicate in parentheses where you got those words exactly, like this: “Put words you copy from websites in quote marks like this.” (in parentheses, write from http:// etc.) 



See how this part of the Final Project is marked


You are now ready for

Phase 2: Revise your essay in a Word Document



Class period 4 Copy your work to a Word Document


  • Use feedback your teacher gives you to correct your work.
  • Copy and paste your corrected work into a Word document
  • Find at least one picture (but no more than 3) on the Internet to illustrate your topic
    • Insert your picture in the Word Document
    • Format it appropriately using one of the text wrap settings (e.g. square)
    • Include a picture reference for each picture you insert
  • Format your Word document as you learned in this class.  
    Your Word document should be similar to the model about scuba diving here:
    sample Word document (you can see how to format references here)
  • Email it to vstevens@hct.ac.ae


Final Word marking spreadsheet - Feb2012 


Class period 5


  • Revise your Word document according to feedback
  • Submit your work for a final mark on your project
  • No work accepted after Feb 5, 2012 


PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on October 11, 2021

 edited May 2024 by Stevens 


edited Aug 2023 
















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